banniere prix farm EN

In the southern hemisphere, agricultural development, food and nutritional security are crucial issues that shape territories along with the lives of millions of people, from producers to consumers.

In the face of demographic, geo-economic and climate challenges, it is essential to consolidate sustainable food systems.

Solutions are being tested around the world to sustainably increase productivity and living conditions for producers. But investment in research, entrepreneurship and public action are insufficient.

The FARM Foundation, with its unique position at the crossroads of research, corporate strategy and public policy, believes that bringing these worlds together is essential.

By launching this Prize, the Foundation intends to reward researchers who are committed to this approach in relation to its priority action themes.

The Prize will be awarded to researcher(s) whose work has been applied in the field with stakeholders such as companies, agricultural organizations, NGOs, or has supported public policies in developing countries.
Candidates will be expected to illustrate in practical terms their contribution – based on their research – to the implementation of actions in the field and/or to decision-making among public and private players.


For the laureat(s)

Prize dotation and benefits

Prize total amount : 5 000 euros

Promotion on the FARM website and its network (media and partners)

Presentation during FARM events

You are a French or foreign researcher (m/f) with a thesis in any related discipline, attached to a French or foreign research institution or university?

Composition of the Jury

The jury will be made up of members of the FARM Scientific Council, one member of the Board of Directors and external experts.

The President of the jury will be the President of the FARM Scientific Council.

If you have any questions, please contact

english below

prix farm 2025

Ce Prix récompense les chercheur/es qui s’engagent à rendre opérationnels leurs travaux avec des acteurs publics et privés.

Les candidatures sont ouvertes entre le 22/04 et le 30/06/2024

Pour participer

cliquez ici


This prize rewards researchers who commit to making their work operational with public and private players.

Applications are open from 22/04 to 30/06/2024.

To participate

click here